vrijdag 20 juli 2012


Ik gebruik heel vaak close-up. Dat is echt een favoriet van mij. Bij willekeurig welk onderwerp,  ik gebruik die instelling serieus of ik probeer er iets creatiefs mee uit.
De eerste foto’s van een nieuw onderwerp zijn ook nog steeds de foto’s die mij het meest aanspreken. Ik kan best heel veel verschillende standpunten gebruiken, van boven, van onderen, opzij. Links, rechts, veraf, dichtbij en nog veel meer, maar die eerste ingeving, die doet het meest met mij zelf, daar heb ik het meeste gevoel bij.
Dus mijn gezichtspunt kies ik per onderwerp puur op intuïtie. Het is waar mijn oog op dat moment op valt.
Mijn foto’s heb ik gemaakt van een boot gebruikt bij het baggeren waar voor mij nog een heel verhaal aan vast zit over een strijd die ik heb geleverd met een grote logge organisatie maar met een positieve afloop. Deze gaan straks in mijn scrapbook compleet met het verhaal.

I use very often close-up. That's a real favorite of mine. In any random topic, I use that setting seriously if I try something creative with it.
The first pictures of a new topic is still the pictures that I find most appealing. I may well use many different positions, from above, below, sideways. Left, right, far, near and much more, but that first impulse, which makes the most of myself, I have the most feeling.
So my point I choose a topic purely on intuition. It's where my eye at that moment falls.
My photos I made of a boat used for dredging which for me is quite a story attached to it about a struggle that I have comes with a large unwieldy organization but with a positive outcome. This will soon go in my scrapbook complete with the story.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi there,
    the rope photograph is a great perspective, birds eye , I feel like I could just pick it up. The bolts look so intriguing.

    I am the opposite, I always end u liking the pics I take at the end of shoot. I guess I don't stop until I think I am happy with the results.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. So interesting to hear that the first pictures are always the most appealing for you. I agree, our intuition is so important to capturing photos that express ourselves! I find that it's all over the map for me... sometimes the first image is my favorite, sometimes the last or maybe in the middle. We are all so different! I like this series of images, how you shared the "big picture" of the boat along with the details. I think this helps tell the story for us.

  3. I love the boat and the reflections in the water, and then it's interesting to look at all the details. For me the first few photographs are usually not the best. It takes me a while to get into the groove.

  4. I love everything about boats so I am enjoying these photos. It is so intriguing to see another's point of view on subjects I also love. I find that I am often surprised that my first photos are not too bad and I agree with you about the reason. But I am also like Maxine in that I like some of my final shots because I have loosened up a bit and experimented by then. And there are some in the middle I like too so I guess I am like Kat as well. (LOL)

  5. love the subject of your shots, love the colors, love the different points of view! the yellow is wonderful. i love machines and especially close ups of details. great job! i should know because i just posted some pics of a tractor on my
